Four Big Questions to be Answered
You’ve heard us say it – Building and renovating is fun but there is another side to the story. It can also be overwhelming because there are SO many decisions to make.
When we are dreaming about designing & building our dream home, we often struggle to visualise the design until we can see it start to come to life physically but that feels a little late no!?
We speak with many women along our travels and we consistency hear that they wished we were around when they built, or that they wish they hadn’t compromised on certain things because they didn’t understand the consequences of their decision.
We stand by our motto – Building and Renovating is FUN – with the right tools and knowledge at your fingertips.
The BIG questions
In our experience, we find that when someone is planning to build their dream home they often have four BIG questions:
- What will it look like?
- Will there be enough space for my family?
- How much will it cost?
- Who will build it?
What they don’t realise is, that depending on their design and building pathway, those answers can only be given at different stages of the process. Did you know that there are different pathways to getting your dream home? We don’t all need to do the same thing, and this is largely determined by your budget.
Now the trouble with that is always funding. How the heck are you going to pay for something if you don’t have the answers to the above? Depending on your budget, location, site size and orientation, preferred home size/style and timeline – one pathway is going to be the best fit for you.
We help women in all these pathways understand the process and decisions required, and the outcome.
So, what are the different pathways?
We pulled our list from our Build like a BuildHer Online Course to share with you.
- A Turnkey Builder – in house Design and Building Services.
- A Volume Builder – Predesigned home or house and land packages.
- Custom Builder – A builder who builds any home with technical drawings prepared by an Architect, Building Designer or Draftsperson.
- Owner Builder – the homeowner manages the build themselves.
- Prefabricated/ Modular – A predesigned or custom design built off site and installed over a few days.
One of the options that helps answers a lot of these tricky questions, especially around budget/timeline and design is a Volume Builder.

Images taken from Dreamcatcher tool.
We recently chatted with Stockland to understand what their online tool Dreamcatcher was all about. Dreamcatcher is an online tool where you browse and pin images to your own styleboard. It’s where you’ll be inspired by designs from Stockland-approved builders and style gurus, and be able to share your styleboard with others as you make your dream home a reality.
Have a listen to our chat here. The reason that they can answer these big questions we all have, is that they have already done the hard work to get the answers.
The Dreamcatcher tool has many great features. Here you can see the styles we liked for the Bedroom. You can also write you own notes to go with your Style boards. *images taken from Dreamcatcher tool.
For families looking at this option of building, the Dreamcatcher tool clarifies the puzzle – you can create your own board of styles & images of actual builds they offer, and their tool will match you with a builder in their network to start discussions or look at the options they provide more closely – otherwise with so many predesigned homes available it’s like finding a needle in a haystack.
Check out our Style board here.
Creating your own dream
We have all been there – after you look at a certain amount of floor plans, they all kind of look the same! And if you have trouble reading plans then they have a load of images of what rooms can look like as well and virtual tours, plus you can go and check out physical display home too. You’ll have the style, the budget, the look and feel all sorted BEFORE you build!
Now there are obviously a lot of things to understand about the design, contract, timing, and a whole heap of other things – but as a starting point this is a great tool that helps you with your four big questions. And our online course can help you with the rest!