Build a strong relationship with your team
No, we don’t mean your home life – we mean with your builder!
We need to build a strong relationship with our team as a foundation from the start. This relationship will help with trust and delivering a project with relatively low levels of stress. In a family where parents are working, and kids are busy, a smooth renovation is really important. As a BuildHer, Amanda, knew how to hire the right team and play to her strengths and ultimately that has led to a fabulous outcome!
Amanda renovated her rental property and loved the process so much that they decided to update their home. We think it is fair to say that Amanda is someone who has a natural flair for styling and interiors. You would have thought she would go it alone? However, there is a big difference when you are making decisions that you will live with for a long time. That’s why it’s really important to build a strong relationship!
BuildHer Tip: Make sure you play to your strengths and get help where you need it. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should! Assess how much time you have and how you will manage the additional time requirements of renovating!
Instead of the big extension, they were looking for greater functionality within the same space which reflected their style and personality. Sometimes it is not about creating more space, but about having that space really work for you!
They worked with an interior designer to rejig the internal layout and help with the colour schemes. Now Amanda, like so many of you, had a good idea about what she wanted. All she needed was help drawing it all together!
So, who do you need for this type of project?
Every project is unique but this was an interior designer/builder/client team. They were able to build a strong relationship, and with that, an amazing result!
Amanda knew that one of her key trades was the joinery so particular effort was made with regards to the joinery. Understanding quotes and what was being included is such a large part of the job. She did this by sourcing trades, recommended by her builder and others, visiting the showrooms, getting samples and obtaining quotes! They ended up using Grandview Kitchens for the shop drawings, design and install.
BuildHer Tip: If one area of the build is really important then don’t leave the outcome to chance! It is much easier to put a bit more time and effort into the research phase and making your intentions clear than being unhappy with the outcome and having to rework the area or live with less than ideal outcomes.
If you need more of the renovation style of project then think about what an interior designer might be able to offer on your design team. Amanda worked with her interior designer in a collaborative way to workshop some of the finishes, and made sure that she was going to really LOVE the outcome.
We have 4 go to interior designers that we work with at BuildHer Collective, and this is in conjunction with the full service interior designers, these four designers have different specialties and with generally fall into the following categories:
- Materials, finishes and concepting
- Joinery
- Colour consulting, and
- Furnishings
Depending on what you need will determine who the best fit is for you!
Next Amanda is tackling the garden, now we have seen the plans by @peachygreen, and we know you will love this space!
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